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Ponderings of an Equestrian Professional

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Why do I love coaching?

I was asked this question on Twitter during #HorseHour and it really made me think.

Recently I have re-discovered my love for coaching, but what is it that I love?

Watching clients win at competitions? Well, to be honest, no. Competition is not my driving force, though I do enjoy seeing clients do well.

What I love is guiding riders towards those 'aha' moments when they feel the horse respond in a way they haven't done before. Seeing the understanding that is so important between horse & rider develop so they both enjoy their time together.

Developing this mutual understanding takes time and there are no shortcuts, but over 30 years working with horses and their riders, I have built up the tools in my box and am able to deal with many of the situations training presents, and I love sharing those tools as & when they are needed.

Of course, the other joy of coaching is there are always new situations & I am constantly learning how to deal with them.

So if you're looking for a quick fix, I'm not the coach for you. If, however, you want to develop your understanding of your horse & become more of a partnership then feel free to get in touch.


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